Shopping for team wear can be so overwhelming. In a sea of options, the details can get lost. At Limelight, we want to ensure that your result is high-quality team wear that you absolutely love. Let’s discuss what you should consider when shopping for team wear and the questions you should ask yourself when choosing a team wear company.

We know it’s important to be unique. You don’t want to walk into a competition and blend in with the crowd. You want your team to be noticed when you walk into the room! That’s why you need to ask yourself, “Is this team wear fully customizable?” If the answer is no, consider looking elsewhere. Having complete say over the final look of your team wear is crucial. Many team wear brands have preset designs for you to choose from in a catalog. Although the designs may be nice, you run the risk of having the same jacket as another team.
The next thing to consider (and arguably the most important) when shopping for team wear is sizing. You must be able to outfit your entire team with the same team wear. When you’re not able to, not only can it leave members feeling left out, it also projects the wrong message to your competitors. When your team looks in unison, they feel in unison. Limelight carries sizes from a child-size four to an adult double extra large. We are currently working on further expanding our size range. Having your entire team dressed in the same uniform shares a message to everyone else in the room that you have it together.
This next item to consider will save you headaches down the road. Make sure to find out whether or not the team wear company you’re considering changes stock often. There’s no worse feeling than going to order a jacket for a new student and finding out the company no longer offers your style. If this happens, your only options are to choose a different garment for your new student, leaving them out, or choosing a new design for your entire team. Both of these options are neither cost-efficient nor beneficial for you. That’s why at Limelight, we are our own manufacturer and are always in control of the garments that we produce. Whether you ordered last year or five years ago, we’ll always be able to reproduce your original design.
If you have a relatively small studio/club, you’re not interested in team wear companies with high order minimums. Having stock that you can’t sell creates a huge financial problem for your business. There’s no need to stretch yourself thin to meet a company’s order minimum. That’s why at Limelight, we boast no minimums on three out of four of our collections. On the collection that we do have minimums, they are very low. We believe that you should only have to order what you need and no more. If you run into a situation where you need one more jacket for your team, you should be able to order with no problems.
Last but not least, you need to consider the quality of the team wear you’re purchasing. Is it going to last you season after season? Or will it fall apart, causing you to reorder team wear each year? Is your design printed on top of your garment, leaving it susceptible to cracking, peeling and fading? These are all things that are incredibly important when considering a team wear brand. At Limelight, we pride ourselves on the quality of our garments and have a customer support team readily available to assist if you ever run into any issues. All of our products are created with quality in mind. From our Evolution Collection, our garments are produced through the process of sublimation, meaning they will never crack or peel, and the colors will never fade. If you ever have any issues with your garments, simply reach out to your Teamwear Specialist, and they will be able to work with you to resolve the issue.
These are all things that you need to be aware of when shopping for team wear to ensure the highest quality and the best experience for you and your team. Be sure to look for the company that will serve you best year after year!