Whether you’re a brand new business, or you’ve been around for a while, you may not have an in-house store set up. Selling merchandise at your location can seriously boost your revenue! With so many amazing specials going on throughout the year at Limelight Teamwear, there are so many opportunities to stock up on completely custom merchandise that your students will want to wear! Even without any specials, we offer so many fantastic training and loungewear options that are all fully customizable with your team’s branding.

Your students are all so proud to be a part of your gym or studio and want to represent their team! When you set up your store, you provide a place for your students and parents to view all of the available merchandise you have available. There are so many different display options available depending on the space you have in your location. Don’t know what to stock your store with? Some of our fan favorites are the Raw Edge Cropped Hoodie, the Unisex Street Hoodie, and the Hip Hop Sweatpants. We’ve created a Pinterest board to help you get inspired depending on your space!
Depending on your client base and your comfort level with your clients, you can choose to display all your merchandise out in the front lobby or you can choose to display one of each product and keep all of the sizes and quantities in the back office. Either way, it’s important to show your customers what you have to offer! Let’s go through a few different setup options for different spaces.
Large Space

Image Source: Pinterest
If you have a large studio or gymnastics club, you may have a room that can be dedicated to an in-house store if it isn’t already! You can separate this space by curtains if it isn’t a completely separate room. You can use the walls to display different garments that may need to be hung up and then use one or a few small tables around the room to display garments such as shorts, sports bras, scrunchies etc.
Behind the Counter

Image Source: Pinterest
If you have a larger entrance space, you could also create an in-house display behind the front desk area. This way, the merchandise is always protected and the first thing they see when they come in. While parents are registering, their kids will be looking at the merchandise and will be in their parent’s ear about it later on! Your students will see the branded merchandise every time they come into the studio. Once they see their friends wearing it and the parents feel and see the quality, your products will be flying off the shelves! With this display, you can keep sizes and quantities under the main desk or in a closet nearby.
Wall Space

Image Source: Pinterest
If you have a wall in your lobby space that isn’t being used, turn it into a display wall! You can utilize the wall space to mount hangers and shelves to fully utilize the space. You can use floating shelves to display lighter items and install a single bar underneath the shelf like in the inspiration pin above. There are so many different layouts you can choose to fit your space to your liking. This can be done with a short or long wall as you can always display one of each product or if you have the space, you can have all of your team wear on display.
If you’re still unsure of how to organize your space, you can check out our Pinterest board for more inspiration! Want to get started on an order to fill up your in-house store? Contact us today!